Thursday, July 12, 2007

Your Signature is More Powerful than you Think

We would like to share this vlog made by Amnesty International as a way to encourage you to sign up for those petitions: email and post card campaign we are doing for Ms. Malalai Joya (Afghanistan) and Ms. Irom Sharmila (Manipur, India) both are winners of Gwangju Prize for Human Rights Award 2006 and 2007 respectively.

We hope that you appreciate and recognize that life is at stake when freedom, justice, human rights, democracy and peace is trampled upon.

Take few moments to savor the message of this vlog:


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada.If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

Anonymous said...

You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?

Irom Sharmila Video

Irom Sharmila is a young woman of Manipur who has been on a fast-to-death for nearly 7 years now. She has been demanding the removal of a brutal law from her land. Manipur is a north-east Indian state (bordering Myanmar), riven for decades by insurgency and armed separatist movements. The Government of India has attempted to control the situation militarily, granting drastic powers to the security forces. The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act enforced in the region lets people be arrested, shot and even killed - on suspicion alone. But Sharmila is willing to stake everything -- even her life -- to restore justice and dignity to her people.